Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

Evaluasi 65 Tahun Pendidikan Nasional

Jika kita mengevaluasi pendidikan Nasional apakah sudah berhasil atau belum....????. Masih ada berjjuta pertanyaan mengapa pendidikan kita juga belum bisa mengantarkan generasinya untuk mencapai kehidupan yang lebih baik padahal sudah 65 tahun bangsa kita merdeka secara diplomatis dan terplokamasika kemerdekaan pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945 oleh Soekarno-Hatta.

Diusia yang sudah semakin tuan, ketika mengkorelasikan usia kemerdekaan kit dengan usia manusia,maka usia 65 tahun adalah usia yag sudah mendekati ajal yang sudah lupa degan pengalaman dan masa perjuanganya. Mungkin ini yang terjadi dengan kondisi bangsa kita yakni di usia yang semakin tua dan semakin lupa denga perjuangan kemerdekaan unutkmelepaskan diri dari penjajahan unutk mencapai kemerdekaan yang sesungguhnya merdeka atau dengan bahasa lain Ykni Kemerdekaan yang 100%.

Kemabali lagi kita membahas pendidikan Nasional, pendidikan nasional kita semakin terpuruk karena hanya bisa menghasilkan pekerja atau hanya sekerdar tenaga kasar belum bisa membentuk seorang yang benar-benar ahli dalam bidangnya dan di sesuaikan dengan keadaan geografis Negara. Pendidikan yang kita terapkan hanya adopsi atau mengekor pada Negara lain.

Pendidikan kita hanya mengikuti dan mengikuti sistem kelas adalah budaya dari warisan penjajah yang di terapkan sampai sekarang, sampai-sampai sudah merubah paradigma masyarakat kita, yakni jika ada anak yang tidak sekolah maka dia di anggap anak yang nakal. Seharusnya pendidikan formal tidak boleh memendang sebelah mata anak yang tidak mengikuti pelajaran yang ada di lembaga-lembaga sekolah yang di selenggarakan pemerintah, karena pendidikan yang di adakan dan di kelolah pemerintah tersebut hanyalah pendidikan yang hanya di gunakan unuitk memebodohi masyakat.

Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010

new educations

EduSwift - School Management System customised for your country and your language

EduSwift- School Management System is a complete school management software designed to help schools create a strong educational foundation by equipping them with advanced technology for reliable, fast school management and administration.
This versatile school management software offers easy customisation options to suit the needs of schools across different countries and geographies. Tailored to the individual and unique requirements of each school, you will be able to use the complete features and functionality of this school management system software according to your school's requirement.
In addition, this school management solution offers Multi-language support allowing schools to use the school software in their familiar native language in addition to English.
These powerful and practical features make EduSwift- School Management System a unique offering for schools that are looking for next generation online school management softwares.
We are here to provide a complete, customised education management software at a very nominal extra cost, as we believe in making sure that schools get a school management system software that fully satisfies their need to create an edge in the education system of the future!
Please contact us at contact@eduSwift.com with your country-specific requirements. 

MSPH Industrial Hygiene (Distance Learning)

MSPH in Industrial Hygiene provides graduates with the knowledge and skills to Anticipate, recognize and evaluate work place exposures and hazards, apply science and engineering principles to control work place hazards and develop and manage industrial hygiene programs.  The program is designed to prepare graduates for the certification exam administered by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene.  The CIH certification is the hallmark of professional achievement and competence within the field of industrial hygiene. The Tulane MSPH-IH degree program is fully accredited by the Applied Science Accreditation Commission of the American Board of Engineering and Technology (ASAC of ABET).

For information on the MPH program in Industrial Hygiene please fill out the form below or call Dr. Elizabeth James (504) 988-1664.


Teaching English in Japan
Everyone can find Japan on the map. Images of Mt. Fuji and tranquil temples juxtaposed against bright neon signs might come to mind. However, if you have never visited, then expect only to have your conceptions changed! Stretching north to south, almost every climate can be experienced in this island nation. From the frozen seas and snowy expanses of Hokkaido to the sweltering humidity of tropical Okinawa, it is all here. The cities offer every conceivable modern convenience, while the sleepy villages of the countryside can appear frozen in time. Not to be missed!

Teaching with Gaba

Gaba Instructors
Gaba clients are promised lessons adapted to suit their specific needs. To provide this kind of service, we have developed our flexible Gaba Method and associated curriculum all supported by our world-class information system - GabaWeb.
Methodology - the Gaba Method has instructors monitor client progress while teaching. Whether using the standard curriculum or working from something unique, instructors capably adjust their approach and adapt the material to ensure tailor-made lessons for each client.
Textbooks - Both our conversation and business series of textbooks are designed for use with the Gaba Method. Lessons follow a pattern which can be adapted quickly and easily. The textbooks are supported by study guides and supplemental materials offered through our web system.
Technology - GabaWeb greatly eases lesson preparation. Every client has an online profile complete with biographical information, study goals, strengths/weaknesses and special requests. In addition, previous lesson records with detailed progress reports are available at a glance.
GabaWeb also serves to keep instructors informed about company news, events, career postings and lifestyle benefits. Access to “myGaba for Instructors” - a secure instructor-only version accessible from home or mobile phone - means real-time access to your upcoming schedule to better plan your time.

Manage Your Development

New to teaching or a veteran instructor, Gaba's methodology, unique curriculum and commitment to providing customized lessons all take some getting used to. Comprehensive certification is offered to ensure all new instructors have a chance to reach their full potential.
Initial Certification: Instill
All new instructors participate in this three-day program prior to venturing to the Learning Studio. A blend of online exercises and interactive teaching simulations, Initial Certification teaches the Gaba Method, introduces the textbooks and web systems, and prepares new instructors for the variety of clients to be expected. The program is capped off on the new instructor's first day at his or her studio. A tour and reinforcement of key concepts is offered by the Instructor Support Leader (ISL) during the On-the-Job Certification.
Follow-up Certification: Strengthen
A new instructor's first few months are all important in determining his or her ultimate success. That is why we offer two cycles of supportive Follow-up Certification. Each cycle involves a 40-minute tutorial with the ISL - what we call a Quality Enhancement Module - and a day's certification to revisit the fundamentals and share experiences with other new instructors - Build-up Certification. Surveys are incorporated to get instructor feedback on Gaba and hear recommendations for improvement.
Developmental Certification: Enhance
Good instructors recognize that there is always more to learn. Developmental Certification consists of a number of regular monthly Workshops each a day long and covering a different teaching-related topic. Instructors can choose Workshops most applicable to them and the needs of their clients. This third program is wholly optional and available to all. Improved teaching skills means more satisfied clients and more lessons overall.
In addition to the three core programs detailed above, there is comprehensive certification available for those who hope to extend their skills sets to teaching sales lessons and/or children as part of the Gaba kids initiative.

A Unique School

Brockwood Park School is an international co-educational boarding school in the southern English countryside. We offer a diverse and personalised programme of study for some 65 students aged 14 to 19, providing an education that encourages academic excellence, self-understanding, creativity and integrity in a safe, non-competitive environment. Our aim is to explore life in the light of J. Krishnamurti's teaching on the transformation of human consciousness.
This is the function of all education. We need to bring about a good society in which all human beings can live happily in peace, without violence, with security. As a student you are responsible for this.
Letters to the Schools

Open Mornings

This is an opportunity for families and friends to have a guided tour of Brockwood, offered by a student, and followed by refreshments and the chance to meet one of the Co-Heads of the School and other members of staff. The School is open for visitors from 10.00am to 12.30pm.
If you would also like to stay on to sample our delicious vegetarian lunch, please book in advance, the cost is £5 per adult, £2.50 per child.
Open Morning at Brockwood Park School
Saturday 6th November 2010

If you are interested in attending or would like further information then please use the contact form here.


For those interested parents and students unable to attend an Open Morning, the School welcomes visits at other times. Tours can also be arranged for those with a particular interest in Krishnamurti's approach to education.
The School is only open to visitors during term time and all visits need to be arranged in advance through the School Office.
Brockwood Park School
Hampshire, SO24 0LQ
Tel: +44 (0) 1962 771 744
Email: School Secretary

Education in the true sense is helping the individual to be mature and free, to flower greatly in love and goodness. That is what we should be interested in, and not in shaping the child according to some idealistic pattern.
J. Krishnamurti 

What Are Human Rights?
Human Rights Defined

While some dictionaries define the word right as “a privilege,” when used in the context of “human rights,” we are talking about something more basic.*
Every person is entitled to certain fundamental rights, simply by the fact of being human. These are called “human rights” rather than a privilege (which can be taken away at someone’s whim).
They are “rights” because they are things you are allowed to be, to do or to have. These rights are there for your protection against people who might want to harm or hurt you. They are also there to help us get along with each other and live in peace.
Many people know something about their rights. Generally they know they have the right to food and a safe place to stay. They know they have a right to be paid for the work they do. But there are many other rights.
When human rights are not well known by people, abuses such as discrimination, intolerance, injustice, oppression and slavery can arise.
Born out of the atrocities and enormous loss of life during World War II, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed in 1948 to provide a common understanding of what everyone’s rights are. It forms the basis for a world built on freedom, justice and peace.

All Teachers and
other Educators

Youth for Human Rights Education Package
The Youth for Human Rights Education Package is designed for elementary, middle and high school students. It may be used as a full course or as a supplemental resource within another curriculum. The aim is to engage students in human rights topics and provide opportunities to put human rights principles into action and use. While the materials were designed for teachers, they are equally appropriate for youth group leaders—both religious and secular—as well as mentors and parents.
The Education Package includes a complete Educator’s Guide, the documentary film The Story of Human Rights, 30 award-winning public service announcements illustrating the 30 human rights, the UNITED music video and copies of two booklets, What Are Human Rights? and The Story of Human Rights.
As has been proven in many different settings, any caring person who works with youth can use these materials to raise awareness of human rights.
Following are some of the official and educator endorsements of Youth for Human Rights’ educational programs, materials and Youth for Human Rights Education Package:
“This kit has really helped me. Before Youth for Human Rights, I did not know the difference between a right and a privilege. The guide is brief and easy to read—it made clear my rights, and after reading through it, I had no more questions or doubts. I love how you were able to take that long, wordy document from the United Nations and shorten it into thirty short statements. The entire original document was intimidating to me, and I’m sure that not many teens would want to sit and read it all the way through. I thank you and everyone at Youth for Human Rights from the bottom of my heart for making this readily available for all teens.”
—E.B., Student, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
“By your remarkable learning tools—including the video portrayals of all 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration and accompanying human rights education materials—and by your challenging student projects designed to place youth leadership roles within their communities, Youth for Human Rights International and its Liberia Chapter are important voices in Liberia’s human rights education process.” —Elected Official, Republic of Liberia
“The Eighth District applauds the work that Youth for Human Rights International has embarked upon in educating and equipping our youth in becoming advocates for human rights. Your organization’s creativity in sharing the human rights message with the distribution of What Are Human Rights? booklets in diverse languages, mural projects, youth summits, international tours and essay and art contests is undeniably commendable. The activities listed attest to the dedication of the many volunteers working with Youth for Human Rights International.” —B.C.P., Los Angeles City Council
“I have reviewed the human rights public service announcement video depicting the 30 rights of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the related publications that you have provided to me. I am very impressed with their production values and quality of communication.
“I would be honored to suggest the inclusion of them as an official part of the human rights education program of my country.” —J.R-H., Elected Official, Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
Click here to order your FREE Youth for Human Rights Education Package >>


Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

Education is Fuks

most people foemal scoolling is the best in educational intitutuons to follow and live with, because if there are school children, who are not stupid so he said, but the reality is not quite like that. People who do not attend scool, does not mean he can not read and write, people not in school does not mean he can not lead, some one not school means he can not be rich, not the school is not means he can not be smart.All of it limited to public opinion if not then the school can not do anything.
As if there will be a politicization of education in the world if you do not have a diploma so could not work, here mealli true. Those schools that do not precisely those who "liberated" withouta time-bound, place without their schouls, because thatthe school can learn everwhere. Is not education phase starting from brith until dead, with out limitation, the education must in school, because that is for people who are not their brilliance is that theyhave dared and independently without relying on parents. while we as cild school, every day should be whining in the mother or father to ask for pocket money and transport not to mention if any this fee? it was very parents forced dug deeper pockets were dry.
Schol rules that bind a very limited scope for learning in our schools as students must be in materials are less important to the dilivery of teacher who is only a formality. Not to mention not allowed to do something big, as a students we should be submissive and obedient to what the teacher anf the school if not then do not pass, when teachers can not teach although not quite fit or wrong. Disciplinary regulations, the morning had to leave even though the place far away and spentquite a Lot. A great time out at school just for a diploma are not we can one book in one day, if not constrained by the time school.
the paradigma is built by the kaptaler is how our society can be consumtive to the world of work, if it is consumtive it will be aser for the casual condition and use, though at lower wages will still be accepted. backthe on the economic lows of production more and more goods will be more affordable price. Our education had been directed into the world of work a lot of standing proof medium vocational schools, with a tendency to pass directly from school to work, the more consumtive nature of our society.
Is will not be accepted at the company if it does not have a diploma, and will not settle, the diploma without school, there will be no school that could allow the brain to tink off, no school without a police, the regulation does not mean that pupils brat. All just a game af investors, who can easily affect the human mindsed so that they get the good market setratgys.
Do not blame unemployment mushroomed everywhere, because it mainly because education directed at the world of wrok, not create jobs. If on the other developed country of is education directed opposite to Indonesia, how its people demaded to create jobs, small sample most of the inveestors in our country is not the generation of pancasila, after moving all education was directed to crete jobs many their factories in our country, becausehis salary is low and hence ddemand corpulent can take great advantage

Rabu, 21 Juli 2010


Tips axis mobile on PC free internet in 2010
1. Aplication Promoxitron + ultrasurf
2. login APN = axis, user name =axis/axis 2g, password = 123456
3. Install the program proxifier / download here http://www.proxifier.com/download.htm
4. Proxifier whit the proxy setting in the axis standard ip port 8080 selec HTTPS
5. In the control setting remotely proxifier select
6. proxification in the rules select process all exceptthe folowing + proxified
7. and the manually dwounload at http://www.wujie.net/dwonload/ultrasurf/u.zip7
Running ultrasurf until futher notification
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10. Configuration please complete and free internet browsing tricks conditions is unlimited toll-axis should.


brad is laid bck guy, he likes to atch football and relax at home with a beer, a salami pizza and a smoke. he is got his eyes set on this 6 foot fashion model, who is a vegan, active in politcs, hate TV and male spotsand socializes at fashionable events every week. what do you think the chances are that he is going to cath her eye? if he does, how happy do youthink the two of them will be in the long run, especially when she is never home because she is out running around all time and heprefers to stay home??
not all schools are the same each one has adifferent atmosphere. some times they have dramatically different atmosphere. The curriculums might be similar, but the profesors teaching those curiculums are going to make a huge difference in how well you do and how much you enjoy your classes. if you don't fit into the culture of that business scool, you are going to have a very tough go at it and you all probably be miserable

Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

Reading "lock" Discourse

Reading is a unique work that the discourse of ignorance, we'll find out by reading a lot of things, example "end of the world we know though reading". Realated whatever there is in writing from the comics, megazines, newspapers, leson materials schools, public discourse of religion, politics
and many other. There is a saying "we can find out by reading the world" reading is not bound by place and time, related any discussion there is nothing prohibiting. Being a great knowledge from reading the

Senin, 28 Juni 2010


Right now is a great time to learn more about the nursing school requirements and licencing processes in your state, as there is a great shortage of qualified registered nurses in the united states and thus a great deal of opportunity in this field. More nursing positions continue to become available as more and more nnurses either go into areas of specialization or obtain a nursing licence if you are thingking of embarkig on this exciting and rewarding career path.
Before you can even begin thinking about the nursing school requirements, you must think about the prerequisites the prerequisites that must be fullfilled