Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

Education is Fuks

most people foemal scoolling is the best in educational intitutuons to follow and live with, because if there are school children, who are not stupid so he said, but the reality is not quite like that. People who do not attend scool, does not mean he can not read and write, people not in school does not mean he can not lead, some one not school means he can not be rich, not the school is not means he can not be smart.All of it limited to public opinion if not then the school can not do anything.
As if there will be a politicization of education in the world if you do not have a diploma so could not work, here mealli true. Those schools that do not precisely those who "liberated" withouta time-bound, place without their schouls, because thatthe school can learn everwhere. Is not education phase starting from brith until dead, with out limitation, the education must in school, because that is for people who are not their brilliance is that theyhave dared and independently without relying on parents. while we as cild school, every day should be whining in the mother or father to ask for pocket money and transport not to mention if any this fee? it was very parents forced dug deeper pockets were dry.
Schol rules that bind a very limited scope for learning in our schools as students must be in materials are less important to the dilivery of teacher who is only a formality. Not to mention not allowed to do something big, as a students we should be submissive and obedient to what the teacher anf the school if not then do not pass, when teachers can not teach although not quite fit or wrong. Disciplinary regulations, the morning had to leave even though the place far away and spentquite a Lot. A great time out at school just for a diploma are not we can one book in one day, if not constrained by the time school.
the paradigma is built by the kaptaler is how our society can be consumtive to the world of work, if it is consumtive it will be aser for the casual condition and use, though at lower wages will still be accepted. backthe on the economic lows of production more and more goods will be more affordable price. Our education had been directed into the world of work a lot of standing proof medium vocational schools, with a tendency to pass directly from school to work, the more consumtive nature of our society.
Is will not be accepted at the company if it does not have a diploma, and will not settle, the diploma without school, there will be no school that could allow the brain to tink off, no school without a police, the regulation does not mean that pupils brat. All just a game af investors, who can easily affect the human mindsed so that they get the good market setratgys.
Do not blame unemployment mushroomed everywhere, because it mainly because education directed at the world of wrok, not create jobs. If on the other developed country of is education directed opposite to Indonesia, how its people demaded to create jobs, small sample most of the inveestors in our country is not the generation of pancasila, after moving all education was directed to crete jobs many their factories in our country, becausehis salary is low and hence ddemand corpulent can take great advantage

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