Rabu, 16 Juni 2010


A big question, Why the fate of our nation ranging from post-independence era up to now not been able to show changes in all sectors National life segnification. Is education as the spearhead of change in a better nation, has been blunt and even broken. Reality is still a lot of addressing inequalitys or setbacks in our country.

The role of eduction in life is important, to determine the notion's life in a dignified, fair, and prosperous in accordance with Pancasila and constitution 1945. This is not deny anymore by all circles of socieety. But why now so many generation moral nation that no longer reflect the traditional oriental culture and even more so Indonesian.

Not a few young teenagers wwho consume alcohol and even dugs not only that, some of the students are also many who do brawl on behalf of the school, MBA (marriet by accidents) or even between groups within school and other incident was quite apprehensive. from how to dress were the same just dressed them open aurot. Not know for certain cultures which they have adopted. Is it from the west country that embraces freedom ideology of individualisn that they follow (westernization). It is quete like happeness offered by westerxation. But happiness is just a glimpse of the eye so precisely to bring destruction.

In terms of culture, especially the freedom to bring a person interact toward free sexs. Enjoyment gained only briefly when doing but after doing so already finished, but this can also make opium from theperpetrators. The perpetrators did not know about the worst they'll get, like the loss of virgen, pregnant out of wedlock, and so attacked by HIV.

Actually, not only causing negative changes for themselves the perpetrators themselves but also result in other people at least to the parents who have such great expectations for their children to be best for him self and others. while for the consequences which are large enough to his people, because it could not continue the struggle estavet pahlawan. For the good of souls just can not let alone for the good orthers. As a man created to be social creatures ( human socialiti) who need each other with each orther.

The expectation for progress and develoment of nations is dependent of the generation if the generation will boborok this nation. Good and poor nations is determined by educations generation. Now education. in our country is good or not if education good if you do not expect our nation's future will be much better, but it is decadecement generation that we will harvest.

In islam the concept itself, the roleof youth as a replacement generation, implicit in the Al-anymore :54 "Namely as a replacement generation of youth who have been and have the character to love and be loved, gentle to the believers, and be harsh against the unbelievers".

Now depending on education can evaluations from the experiences or not to be recomended for further improvement, as a solution carefully. Should be invested in education, maral, manners and dedication to the nation for students who later as a constraint when they will do evil or depravity for them selves and others.

The esence ofmoral education is to create a consistent human being in the good with out any tendency What soever. In principle there is a saying "you are Pls nobody 'around' the esence of change through moral education in the orld of education.

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